Khamis, 24 Jun 2010

can you still be friend with your EX?

 This is an interesting topic to be discussed! Ouch This morning while driving to work, the topic came out from It does drove myself to ponder more about it. Can you actually still be friend with your ex? Can i still befriended with my exS? well i do not know about other people but...

Rabu, 23 Jun 2010

Selasa, 22 Jun 2010

When a Muslim fights for A Gambling Rights.

Minister Nazri said: "U must remember that the country does not belong to the Muslims. There are things that sometimes non-Muslim do, for example, gambling. It is their culture, their way of life and we have to respect their right."haih apabila seorang pemimpin muslim sendiri memperjuangkannya..nak...

Isnin, 21 Jun 2010

Sabtu, 19 Jun 2010

Back from hibernating!

o hi! its been such a awhile...... the mood is not around to write in here, until today. my last entry was pertaining to my jogja trip. it stops on the day 2. hehehhe, will make sure to continue  writing about it later k.. the reason being is, i lost my traveling journal! well its misplaced somewhere,...