Isnin, 28 Disember 2009

CABARAN ITU BERMULA HARI INI_On your mark, get set..GO!!!!!

Apakah cabarannya itu?

100 Pounds Weight before June 2010!
(aprox 45kilo)

setelah dicalculate...nah..amek ko..hati ini amat pedih melihat resultnya...sob sob ;'(

So wats FOR de NEXT BIG STEP ???

i choose  45kilo  as my benchmark!
(berat semase matrikulasi di UIA, 1999)


Khamis, 17 Disember 2009

Alert: Doa Akhir Tahun dan Awal Tahun

Hari ini merupakan 30 Zulhijjah 1430.. Besok hari sudah beranjak ke 1 Muharram 1431... ITS A NEW YEAR!!!!

Oleh yang demikian, adalah afdhal bagi kite as a Muslim untuk mengamalkan bacaan Doa Akhir Tahun dan disusuli dengan Doa Awal Tahun.

Doa Akhir Tahun dibaca 3 kali pada akhir waktu Asar atau sebelum masuk waktu magrib pada akhir bulan Zulhijjah. Bagi sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, Syaitan berkata:
"Kesusuhan bagiku dan sia-sialah pekerjaanku menggoda anak Adam pada setahun ini, Allah ampunkan dosanya setahun."

Berikut merupakan Doa Ahir Tahun


Allah SWT berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat baginda dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.

Wahai Tuhan, apa yang telah aku lakukan dalam tahun ini daripada perkara2 yang Engkau tegah daripada aku melakukannya dan aku belum bertaubat daripadanya. Sedangkan Engkau tidah redha dan tidak melupakannya. Das aku telah melakukannya di dalam keadaan di mana Engkau berupaya untuk menghukumku, tetapi Engkau mengilhamkanku dengan taubat selepas kebenarianku melakukan dosa-dosa itu semuanya. Sesungguhnya aku memohon keampuananMu, maka ampunnilah aku. Dan tidaklah aku melakukan yang demikian daripada apa yang Engkau redhadinya dan Engkau menjanjikannku dengan pahala atas yang sedemikian itu. Maka aku memohon ampunMu.

Wahai Tuhan! Waha yang Maha Pemurah! Wahai yang maha Agung dan wahai Yang Maha Mulia agar Engkau menerima taubat itu dariku dan janganlah Engkau menghampakan harapanku kepadaMu Wahai YAng Maha Pemurah. Dan Allah berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad, ke atas ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya dan mengurniakan kesejeahteraan ke atas mereka.

Barangsiapa yang membaca doa akhir tahun ini, maka syaitan akan berkata:
"Hampalah kami di sepanjang tahun ini".

Doa Awal Tahun dibaca 3 kali selepas maghrib pada malam satu Muharram. Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, Syaitan berkata:
"Telah amanlah anak Adam ini daripada godaan pada tahun ini kerana Allah telah mewakilkan dua malaikat memeliharanya daripada fitnah Syaitan:

Berikut merupakan Doa Awal Tahun


Allah SWT berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat baginda dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.

Wahai Tuhan, Engkaulah yang kekal abadi, yang Qadim, yang awal dan ke atas kelebihanMu yang besar dan kemurahanMu yang melimpah dan ini adalah tahun baru yang telah muncul di hadapan kami. Kami memohon pemeliharaan dariMu di sepanjang tahun ini dari syaitan dan pembantu2nya dan tentera2nya dan juga pertolongan terhadap diri yag diperintahkan melakukan kejahatan dan usaha yang mendekatkanku kepadaMu Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Agung dan Maha Mulia.

Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha pengasih dari mereka yang mengasihi dan Allah berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad. Nabi yang ummi dan ke atas ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.

Entry tamat

Rabu, 16 Disember 2009

Sudah hampir setahun berlalu...

desa park city_outdoor photo shooting
Sudah hampir setahun tempoh perkahwinan sahabatku emmy..saje jea mengimbas kenangan menjadi minah-minah interprem mase sesi outdoor emmy nie..

Di samping menjadi minah interprem, sesi mencuci mate pun berlangsung juge dimane adenye kehadiran jurufoto yg agak kiut lagi sedap mate memandang ;)

memasing over!!

seiring dan sejalan...

akil diiringai gadis-gadis pingitan KL..err?

dua daripada enam nye sudah lepas nikahnye..Bagimane yg lagi 4 org itiew?! kite tunggu dan lihat..memasing menyerahkan kepada takdir untuk menentukannye..

ustaz ropi pun dtg gak kenduri emmy..bertape bermakne nye emmy di mata ustaz ropi.. bole?!


Nways, diharapkan perkahwinan emmy kekal bahagia sehingga ke hujung nyawa. InshaAllah..

Khamis, 10 Disember 2009

Jumaat, 27 November 2009


Tika perasaan terasa sebegini, tetiba lagu ini singgah di lubuk hati..hmm..

Embun di pagi buta
Menebarkan bau asa
Detik demi detik ku hitung
Inikah saat ku pergi

Oh Tuhan ku cinta dia
Berikanlah aku hidup
Takkan ku sakiti dia
Hukum aku bila terjadi

Aku tak mudah untuk mencintai
Aku tak mudah mengaku ku cinta
Aku tak mudah mengatakan
Aku jatuh cinta

Senandungku hanya untuk cinta
Tirakatku hanya untuk engkau
Tiada dusta sumpah ku cinta
Sampai ku menutup mata
Cintaku sampai ku menutup mata...

Khamis, 8 Oktober 2009

Marrying Mr. Right?!

i like dis article, taken from Enjoy reading!

Marrying Mr. Right!

by Nafisa Mohammad, an Australian Muslim living in Egypt. She is a university student studying the Montessorian system of training young children.

The family is always looking for the best husband or wife for their daughter or son. They usually aim very high. They might want someone from a high-class background with lots of money and a good position in society. All this, they feel, will make their child happy. However, perhaps this is not realistic.

It is very likely that the daughter or son is looking for more simple qualities and looking for someone who is compatible on an everyday basis. To them, the materialist side of things is just not as important as having someone by their side who makes them happy and with whom they can face all of life's challenges.

If you were to ask a young man or woman, what is more important: being with someone who makes you laugh and see things in a more positive way or having the latest model of a luxury car?

I wonder what they would say. I think that those who choose the luxury car are missing out on the important things in life and perhaps are not ready to get married. The purpose of marriage is to have someone who will make you a better person than what you are while accepting you, as you continue your life's journey.

If you have this basic happy and harmonious relationship, it is not really important to have the biggest house, the luxury car, or all that. This does not mean that the young couple should not try to develop their life together and accumulate all the things they need; it simply means that they should not be the deciding factor when choosing a partner for life.

Some young people say that you — girls, I mean — could marry a millionaire and then after some time he could become bankrupt. Your relationship with him might be wonderful and loving and honest, but then you face this calamity. What would you do? If you take the materialistic point of view, then you would leave this person and find another. However, we would have to ask if you married Mr. Right and truly committed yourself to him and to stand together no matter what.

Your relationship with Mr. Right (or Mrs. Right) should be based on:

Forgiveness. No one is perfect, so there will be disagreements from time to time. Both partners will inevitably do or say something that upsets the other. You cannot go crying back to your parents every time something goes wrong.

If you really thought carefully before marrying and ensured he or she had all the qualities you need, and you prayed Istikharah (Arabic for: supplication for guidance in making a decision) before making the decision, then you have married the right person. So that's not a question anymore

When trouble happens, it is time to make this marriage work and draw on all those positive qualities that you know you both have.

Love. This is the quality that most people focus on. Love is something that grows as the relationship develops and deepens. It grows out of honesty, respect, harmony, forgiveness, and excellent communication from both sides.

The sparks of love should exist before the couple marry. When they do, be sure that if the behavior from both parties is good, it will grow into tenderness and love. It is this feeling that makes the couple want to be together.

Honesty. To bond the relationship between you and your to-be spouse, your dealings with him or her should be based on truthfulness.

There should be so much openness between both parties that you can share anything and say anything and be sure you will be respected and understood.

Telling lies and twisting the truth puts a wedge between you, and this spells doom to the relationship.

Compassion. If a couple are really close, each feels what the other is feeling. One of them would never laugh when the other cries, or go out to have fun when the other is ill.

Compassion proves your love for each other and fortifies it.

If you and Mr. or Mrs. Right have this kind of relationship, it is a foundation on which you build your life together. So any kind of wealth you gain or possessions you accumulate or opportunities you have, would only be a bonus to an already fruitful and happy relationship.

Also, if parents are really looking for their children's happiness, they would rejoice with them in a loving and happy relationship.

Selasa, 6 Oktober 2009

Isnin, 5 Oktober 2009

Ahad, 27 September 2009

Salam Eid Mubarak

Hari ini hari Ahad, 27th September 2009. Genap seminggu umat Islam di seluruh dunia menyambut hari yang dinanti2 selepas hampir sebulan umat Islam menjalani ibadat puasa di bulan Ramadhan.

Di hari raya pertama, aku berada di kampungku, Kg Changkat Kurnia, Bukit Chandan Kuala Kangsar. Bkt chandan merupakan hometown kepada ibuku. Almost every year, we spend celebrate our Raya here. We love it anywhere. Sanak saudara di sebelah ibuku selalunya berkumpul di rumah opahku yang membuatkan suasana amat meriah lagi menyeronokkan setiap kali kami sekeluarga pulang ke kampung berhari raya.

Kami kembali ke KL pada hari raya ketiga. Ini adalah kerana, ayahku perlu kembali bekerja untuk keesokkan harinya. DI dalam perjalanan pulang, kami singgah di hometown ayahku, Kg Tua Bt.16, LAmbor Kanan, PArit Perak. Menziarahi kubur arwaah atukku dan dan seterusnya ke rumah sanak saudara di sebelah ayahku.

HAri ini, pada raya yang ke-7, aku hanya duduk di rumah menunggu sanak sedara come for a visit. Kami masak nasik ayam n mihoon gureng. Yeah..its mounth-watering! Everyone is invited..

n the downside is: tomorrow is a working day!!! malas-malas-malas

entry tamat.

Rabu, 16 September 2009

Ada Apa dengan Del Potro?!

Ada apa dengan Del Potro?

He’s got magnificent forehand.

He’s got de high, 6 feet 6’ (orang ke ape ni ?!)

He routed Nadal easily at semifinal and wen tru US Open Final.

And he pummeled Federer, 6-3, 6-7, 6-4, 6-7, 2-6 for his first grand slam title!

And yeah, he’s only 20 years old.

I think He can be in ranking no. 1 within a year or two. We wait and see.

Anyhow, Raf Nadal is still my faveret! He will find ways to beat this kid next time!

haha! ;)

Isnin, 14 September 2009

Mengapa Mengantuk..?

Mengapa orang mengantuk..?

Mesti sebab tak cukup tidor!

sebab apa tak cukup tidor..?

Sebab masa yang sepatutnya tido buat mende lain.. contohnya:

1. buat kuih raya

2. banyak yg dipikir dalam kepala sampai tak bole tido

3. bangun utk Qiyammulayle

4. Gayut

tapi saye mengantuk hari ini sebab semalam tengok match Nadal lawan del Potro (gambo seperti disebelah) di semifinal yang kesudahannya Nadal kalah...sedih, sbb dah tak dapek nk cuci mate tgk Nadal lagi utk US Open neh..hehe ;)

adik..cube lagi di next gland slam yea.

Entry hari ini tamat.

Selasa, 8 September 2009


Sambung lagi..

Kami sampai di Laban Rata dalam pukul 3pm. it was showering when we get close to de place. Thinning air makes it harder to breathe. and de body easily get tired!
am deliriously happy. haha!!

Laban Rata Resthouse is equipped with running water, electricity, a restaurant and indoor showers and toilets. Electric heaters are provided in the rooms as well as blankets. Dis is our pitt stop for resting place.

Weather @ Laban Rata was so chilling as we are about 10,000 feet above sea level. i wear my thick sweater all de time thou.

de mountain seems like right behind u!

waktu nie strong wind n chilling!
above de cloud..

waiting for sunset..approx 6.15pm

beautiful sunset @ 10,000 feet above sea level..

Having some meals to regain back my energy @ laban rata cafe.

i slept early dat nite, i think around 8pm, after having dinner. It is because i have to wake up early - at about 2.00am, to continue for de second phase of the climb. Taken right before we start our night climb.
So de next morning, around 3.00am, we started our second phase climb. Above Laban Rata, de trail continues as a series of wooden ladders, fashioned out tree roots and branches. At dis time around, good headlight is essential as most of the time we have to hold something for stability. It gives u way to flatter, more easy walking just below Sayat-Sayat, when de true edge of the tree-line is reached. My friend Kuna, stop de climb after an half and hour climbing due to serious coughing. Our guide send her back and leave us alone to continue our climb n he will catch us soon as he can. Nways, we continue our climb n it took me about more than an hour to Sayat-Sayat. Sayat- sayat is de highest mountain hut at 3810 meters (12,500 feet). The dwarfed vegetation at this altitude contrast sharply with enormous silver black dome of the summit.

well along de way,ropes are fixed at difficult places, but these are more to inspire confidence than from necessity. i always keep close to the rope. Dis is because u would not get lost if u stay close by. There are some places where the trail is very steep, almost 70° angle. Carefull is essential at dis time. I dont take much photos during my climb up to sayat-sayat. as the wind is sooooo freezing cold as i my fingers are numb. and its dark surrounding as well. 100% relying on my headlight.

Tough grasses and other plants cling to rock cervices, flowering and fruiting only a few centimeters tall. Then we pass de 8km mark with de South Peak and St. John's Peak on ur left. It was sunrise dat time. The views are beautiful..From here de bare granite slabs stretch endlessly ahead to the pile of jumbled rocks that is Low's Peak.

Sunrise @ de plathaeu..

The view of the surrounding peaks is magnificent. Masha Allah. i think by 6.00am, i can see most of the peak very clearly. This is usually the best time to take pictures of the sunrise and the peak.

Me and Kak Ton reached de Low's Peak around 6.45am. It was such a superb feeling. Unbelieveable! SPEECHLESS!. After all de efforts dat hv been put in, we finaly on top of de highest mountain in South East Asia.

Awesome rocks

After half an hour at de top, we decide to start descending. Further down on de right is the South Peak. If the weather is clear, you will also be able to see Kundasang and Ranau town from here. Along de summit plateau, we walk down with de Ugly Sister's Peak and Donkeys Ears on de left.

Further down, we arrived at Sayat-Sayat Hut and refill our water bottle with de mountain water. it's de water from 13,000 feet above sea level!
To be frank, im little bit nervous while descending after sayant-sayat hut. Ini adalah kerana, de drop everything is very clear. U'll see de clear 70% drop steepness. Luckily, it was dark while climbing, n we dont see anything like that. Afterall, de views still magnificent!

hmm dah nampak dah laban rata dari sini..
Kami tiba di Laban rata dalam pukul 11am. a bit late if compare to other climbers. but i really enjoyed dis trip very much. will definately come to scale again dis mountain next time!