Shocking news!!
Dear Guest,Please be informed that effective from 23rd March 2012, AirAsia X will be suspending our flights to/from Delhi.We will be sending individual notifications to all guests affected by this move, in stages, based on your respective flight dates, via email and SMS.The email notices will also outline the various service recovery options offered which are:i. cancel your reservation and opt for Full Refund/Credit Shell; orii. re-route to any other AirAsia X destination, without any additional cost;
oriii. transfer to an alternative airline subject to availability, without any additional cost.In order to avoid undue congestion and delays in replying to your queries, we request that you contact us in relation to any queries you may have, only after you have received your individual notice.For further explanation on the reasons for our flight suspensions, please refer to our Press Release at
ini memang bebetul RED ALERT neh!
My situation:
1. Connecting flight delhi-srinagar-delhi DAH BELI.
2. All train tickets for Delhi-Agra-Jaipur-Delhi pun DAH BELI.
so my only option to minimize the loss will be,
Obviously, i will opt for OPTION NO. 3!
Anyways, Thanx Air Asia X! Grrrrr!
YA ALLAH!!! KO dpt email dr dorang dh ke mas??? omg!!!
BalasPadamaku dan yg lain2 pun cuakk nak mampos ni haaaa...huhuhu
Weh John, aku rase ko tak affected kot, sebab tu ko tak receive email tu boleh la terus melompat bintang. Aku kirim saree 20 helai ek hahahah..
PadamMaszuber: Aku pun opt for option no 3..hahahaha
aku pulak yg berpeluh2 baca ni mas!
BalasPadamha ah, baru dapat. menyirap darah aku neh..huhuhu
aku rase korang punye flight tak effect rasanya sebab korang terbang before 23 march. utk case aku, tiket pergi, 21st march tak effect rasenye, cuma tiket nak balik KL ja yang tak lepas neh..
ko rase bila dia kata takkan incure any cost utk beli tiket lain tue bole percaye ke?
huyuh! ada pe hal ni? tak kasi reason kah?
Padamkat berita petang kol 6.30pm tadik, dia kata atas reason nak concentrate dengan route di asean, sebab tue dia stopkan flight ke sana. PARIS pon terlibat sana ok..adoii...
Padam"AirAsia X CEO Azran Osman-Rani, in a press release Thursday, said these changes were to improve operating cost efficiencies and consolidate its network to focus on markets where it could build a leadership position.
He reassured guests that AirAsia X would offer those with bookings after the last flight dates an alternative travel option at no additional cost.
According to Azran, continued high jet fuel prices and weakening demand for air travel from Europe, due to the current economic situation and exorbitant government taxes, had placed cost pressures on operating long-haul low cost flights between Asia and Europe.
"As for Delhi and Mumbai, the continued visa restrictions for travel between India and Malaysia, and the increase in airport and handling charges have resulted in a structure not conducive to the low-cost model," Azran said.
"The airline is hopeful in reinstating services to India once these structural issues can be resolved."
cam haram jer...
BalasPadamadoi, parah ni air asia neh..
ha la! aku terus tingat kt korang.. tp any available flight tu x incurred cost xpe cuma ikut availability la plak.. aku doakan korg sume dpt flight sbb sume dh set kan ..
BalasPadamtarikk napasss
insyaallah dpt pegi, i pray for india n paris trippers. i hope dapat mas, if so untung. i heard this few months ie last yr but since dia tak officially announce, i kept quiet lor.
BalasPadammas.. sabor2.. nak wat camner kan..
BalasPadamaku harap statement dia no addition cost for other airlines tue boleh pakai la..
setuju.. kire untung jugakla sbb bayar harge AA naek flight laen.. hehe
Padamhope it will be fine~
BalasPadamaku tak penah dengar pasal petang tadi dapat tau, hmm frustrated la juge. tp since dia dah janji bole cari flight lain without additional cost tue lega la juga. tapi kite tengok dulu sejauh mana kebenaran option yang diberi pada sesiape yg tak bernaseb baik macam i nie..
BalasPadamtarik nafas.. :-)
aku hrp dorg sort out benda ni least bg flight balik yg free utk korang. mcm tak patut kena tambah duit sbb bkn decision korg kan? sabar beb, sabar
BalasPadamterbaek adalah full refund. tapi kalo dah ground sume dah arrange, uish parah gak tu kan...hmmm...
Padamsebab setengah dari grouund arrangement dah settle, so rugi kalo full refund biqque, aku naik tiket lain balik..heheheeee
Padamnak jugak pegi ;p
terbaik full refund? eh salah laa tu, kalo dh refund nk pergi/blik mcmane? beli ticket lain plak? ikut pengiraan rugi laa tu biq..
BalasPadamyg betul ada lah option ke 3 tu:
" iii. transfer to an alternative airline subject to availability, without any additional cost. "
BalasPadamhaah, dah takde option lain dah cawan, option 3 jea yang tinggal sebab tiket2 kat sana dah selamat dibeli. rugi gak kalo nak burn sume benda yang dah dibook sebelum nie..
aihh AAX lambat announce, kalo dia announce sebelum kitorang beli tiket train n flight ke srinagar, konfem akan opt to opt no. 2..heheee divert ke OZ ke..heheee untung tue..
BalasPadamDah tanya belum?!??? Ko mogok mintak opt no 3 jugak!!!!! Demand airlines mahai, hehehe..... Kitaorang pun nerbes, haihhhh kang ada pulak pakcik tony ni berubah pikiran pulak lagi.... Grrrrr
Ya, heard it last night on TV3. Sib baik takder beli ticket to all those places. Aiming for ASEAN countries je this year.
BalasPadamTukar destinasi airport yang lain la yang ade service air asia x kat india tue.. then, travel overland pergi sana.. contohnya macam Bangalore ke, mumbai ke, chennai ke, kochi ke atau mana2 je la.. tambah dalam itenery 1 bandar lagi la..
BalasPadammemang shocking news ni.. my frens pon ramai jugak dah beli tiket..
BalasPadaminsyA ada jalan yg terbaik utk u nanti..