Ahad, 20 Mei 2012

IN my EYES: My 7 Super Shots!

I am taking part in "HostelBookers 7 Super Shots‘

Once tagged by a new blogger friend, Farikica, I kept looking for a "suitable" picture to suit the given themes. obviously, that's not an easy task. trust me. Time of the long weekend is used to search for these photos. Godek jangan tak godek. Haha. So here we go:

1. A photo that.....takes my breath away

After the ups and downs, a continuously strenuous climb, struggling with high altitude, I finally reach the top. The peak of Mount Kinabalu, Sabah MALAYSIA! This is the view that I get from top of the mountain. There is a very deep ravine on the peak area but the panorama was so damn breathtaking. How i wish i could return to this place again. To scale the mountain again.

2. A photo that.....makes me laugh or smile
For those who have been to Jeju Loveland, South Korea, SURE they will not forget with what they experience during the visit to the park. I can guarantee that. Muahahahaha. This is one of the captured photos while in there. Theme of artwork, Big Fat rich women power over the men. The most interesting thing for me while visiting the place is to see the reactions of the other visitors. The giggles, gasps and scenes of old ajummas pretending to shield their eyes were the highlights. Hahaa! Smile and laugh while u can!

3. A photo that.....makes me dream
Can you feel what I feel then? I always had dreams to fly high. As i cant fly, to jump in a place with such a  phenomenal view is good enough. Where am i? Swiss? Neahh am doing some jumpingjack in the heart of the snow in Gulmarg, Kashmir.

4. A photo that.....makes me think

After walking most of the day, to climb even a stair can be quite a burden. Its the 'Climb'. The feeling of "pancit", makes me wonder, where is my stamina??? Getting older really deteriorate it? Duhh.. afterall thats a long route up.. Nways, I forgot the pain of it after seeing the beautiful scenery up there, Seopjikoji, East Jeju.

5. A photo that.....makes my mouth water
On the way back to Perth from Lake Clifton, we stopped over in Mandurah. Having this doner kebab in one halal restaurant there and enjoy the atmosphere of the night Mandurah. The night was cold but the kebab keeps me warm. Yes, its mouth-watering!

6. A photo that.....tells a story
Seems that he is searching for something. It was 6.30 in the morning. To look at his age, he is supposed to stay at home and rest. Its a Sunday morning afterall.. Nways, he reminds me of my late grandfather..

7. A photo that…I am most proud of (aka my worthy of National Geographic shot)
This is my all-time favourite so far. The Anchari Residence, Srinagar Kashmir. Access only by foot and shikara/boat. i love the angle, the foot-bridge, water reflection and the mountain background. I stayed here for three nights and this area is very calm. Hassle free and tranquil.
Owh yes!! Finish? I did it! 

Most of my travellicious friends have been tagged. so i divert my tagging list to those who i think might have magnificent pix to share with us.

3. Ayen
5. GB


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38 ulasan:

  1. gmbr no.7 paling aku suka!! awesome!

  2. hahaharuskah gambar makanan itu diambil sedekat itu sehingga boleh menyebabkan kegiuran???? cesssss.

  3. @masmz:
    thats the real intention..wihihihi

  4. last skali, serius lawa. gila lawaaa

  5. Mas, i don't know which one to choose as all are very2 beautiful... NO. 2, again, goes to South Korea...ha...ha....no 6 is really touching.. i x leh tengok gmbar touching2 ni, sedih...:( anyway, i choose no 3 as my fav... in the photo u look so freeee as a bird...

    1. Ada byk gambo klakar kt korea neh kannss. Heheee

      Pakcik di pagi hening tue pun syahdu sy tgk pagi tue..dah la sejuk.. ;(..

      Exactly, no.3 is dream on to fly high as a bird.. :-)


  6. the food!! oh mass the food!!! i'm drooling!

  7. WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW Mana komen aku ni asyik ilang je kekee
    Ok nak besara lagi la.

    1. Eheheeehee sifu mane bleh bersara weh..

      Anak murid ramai yg nk blajo dengan ko lagi neh..

  8. Looks like 4 people choose South Korea as no.2 and you & me choose Jeju Loveland too. Hahaha.. Hey, I almost pick the same photo seriously. We have same thoughts. Hahaha..
    The no. 4 and 7 photo macam painting. Cantek sungguh!Mind to share apa camera are u using?

    1. Seriously almost pick the same photo? Huhuhuhu mmg byk shot yg klakar dlm loveland tue. Crazy ridiculous!

      I pakai compact camera frm canon. S95..

  9. hahahaha..dah lama tak kena tag!
    takleh nak buat cerita bergambar marbeles macam awak lah, saya tak around the world dgn dslr saya..dulu2 ambik gambar pakai point & shoot aja! gambar pun cuci kedai, takde digital!Byk gambar lesap ke mana ntah :( ahahah...tapi takpe, saya try tgk, yg mana boleh saya buat, Insya Allah saya cuba...:)

    - gambar kat Kinabalu mmg sgt sgt breathtaking!
    - igt tak nama kedai kebab kat Mandurah tu? mana tau saya boleh singgah nanti :)

    ps: saya baca again your trip to Pinnacles (cervantes) tu, sebab last year tak sempat ke sana. Nak tanya, motel yg u all duduk tu, dia kira per head ke? or boleh main masuk aja berapa ramai pun tak kisah..Maybe nak stay kat Riverview kot nanti kalau gi M.River :)

    1. Hehee doc nye gambo sy slalu geram nk tgk. Itu yg kene tag tuh..dia x kisah dalm or luar negara. Dlm malaysia pun sgt buleh..:)

      Nama kedai kebab tue mmg sy x ingat. Yg sy ingat location dia, dlm pekan mandurah, kedai dia yg mengadap sungai ke tasik. Kalo malam duduk lat bench tepi sungai tue tgk skyline bangunan kt sana..mmg syahdu jaa..
      Motel di pinnacles dulu kira ikut bilik. X kisah boleh sumbat berapa org pon. Kami dulu 4 org dok satu bilik..huhuhuuu.

      Riverview santek tang tmpat doa ada anak sungai kt situ.

  10. gambo kashmir tergempak as usual. next yr gi jom

  11. seronoknye jalan2 amik gambar..

    1. Ko pun kene tag kan. Haaaa cepat, org yg baru balik EU mmg wajib kluar 7 super shot korang!

  12. allah sedapnyer la kebab tuuuuuuu!

    1. ehehehheh :-)

      aku tau kalo ko buat pon sedap gak biqque!

  13. pic no 6 - aku suke giler!!!

    no 7 ofkos lah dah jadik all time fav!

    ada expiry date tak nak buat mende nih? :D

    1. Takde due date..bile rase nk buat, ko buat jea..just for fun. Heheee

  14. akak suka sume gambar
    tak kira yang pakcik tak lompat tapi dok dalam sampan pun akak suke
    akak kenal korang yang sume pandai ambik gambar...
    yes!! akak terharu kenal korang (drama sket..haha)

    1. Alololololooo

      Sayang kaka coco jugekkkk...


  15. herrkkkk
    susahnya homework! hahaahha

    ala.. gamba2 saya tak cantek macam mas punya!

    1. Heheheee

      Sape ckp??

      Tak kira...nk tgk gambo akak jugek huhuhuhuuu


  16. Kat sini dah tak larat makan kebab, hari2 kebab sebab tu antara makanan halal yg limited kat France selain sushi, couscous, tajine, etc..

    1. O yeke.. Kene slalu masak senduri la kot kt sana...
