Apabila dia berkata:
You have no idea, how much did i love you.
Apabila ini yang dijawab kembali:
Apparently, action speaks louder than words. I wont buy into those kind of words anymore.
The end > FREEZE heartily.
p/s: hanya rekaan semata-mata.
You have no idea, how much did i love you.
Apparently, action speaks louder than words. I wont buy into those kind of words anymore.
BalasPadamaction speaks louder than words
i agree!
everybody can write i love u
but do they know what love is?
question mark.
full stop.
BalasPadamit takes years to know what the love is.
BalasPadamnape ada alert malware ye kat blog u..dah 2-3 hari takleh nak masuk..same as today but i proceed je.
action pun kdg2 boleh dibuat2..i dont believe in love anymore these days..the moment they like they will say all the sweetest words, but the second they hate..watch out la..
BalasPadamyes at times action can be deceiving as well. bad bad bad people knows very well how to do it ;(.
hmm pasal malware nie, macammana nak buat ek. serious, tak tau la..sgt buta pasal malware prevention nie..adoi..
anybody out there...plss help me..
heheh. itu cuma ayat. sape pun boleh cakap. igt kite akan percaya? *cuma rekaan semata-mata~
BalasPadamentry ni agak emo (ke?).
BalasPadam'i love you' tu sangat mahal bagi saya :)
BalasPadamhihi sendiri mau ingatla kan..
@akak gorjes:
BalasPadamEmo tue tak kot kak. hanya gong xi session :)
BalasPadambergantung juga dari siapa ia datang. kalo Sam yg menang ABP semalam cakap..hmm xde efek langsong kot. semua org dia i love u kan ;p
sungguh ironi kan kalau mulut hari2 kata I lap U...tapi action tak mcm tu
BalasPadamckp i love u sejuta kali pn kalo xde action mmg xleh blah huhuhuhu selalu terkena cmtu (kisah tak berapa nk benar :P)
BalasPadamsis, cara senang nak buang malware mcm ni..
BalasPadamgi edit bloglist then UNKLIK button icon, then save..
ingat, UNKLIK button icon tu...
@daddy ziyyad:
BalasPadamkalo kes yg macam tue memang ckp x serupa bikin le tue..
@cik fiza:
BalasPadamheheee x brape nak benar yea..?
sabo jea la kan..
BalasPadamthankssssssssssssssssss! i dah unclick icon yang u refer tue. hopefully xde la malware lagi lepas neh....
tenkiu tenkkiu :)
em em em mcm akak ni....mmng suka sgt klau hb kt i luv u.... n kita tau dia mmng ikhlas
BalasPadamklau blum kahwin tu, tak yah lah sbut...mmng t.leh nk caya