Cactus @ Cameron Highlands
Cactus @ desert > How they manage to survive and thrive, living in a hostile environment?
The key point is that, cactus is FULLY ADAPTED to live in that condition, even in any condition.
And YES, it should be the same for US.
Another analogy:
In life, we come across tough challenges every day. Allah knows wat we are going through, and He has equipped us with all we need that will enable us to be the survivors. The same condition that He did for cactus.
So, we should be able to adapt like the cactus by triumphing over trials and overcoming ordeals.
Never give up,
Try to maximize everything that you have within your limit, within you. Then you can S.U.R.V.I.V.E.
p/s: Kalo dengar lagu i will survive, aku hanya suka version Cake. Especially part guitar and trompet. cool.
p/s: Kalo dengar lagu i will survive, aku hanya suka version Cake. Especially part guitar and trompet. cool.
Betul tu mas, bila tengok cactus yang akak ada kat depan rumah, akak fikir apa yang cakap. Kalau ikut resmi cactus, mana-mana pergi pun kita boleh survive.
BalasPadam@kak Ina DDC:
BalasPadamitula..tidak semua orang bole ikut resmi cactus nie, tapi jika mahu dan ada usaha, boleh punya!
best2.. semangat pepagi nih..
BalasPadamnway tingat pepatah melayu, 'benih yg baik dicampak ke laut menjadi pulau..' ;)
bagus perumpamaan ni.
BalasPadamdok kat padang pasir dia hidup. kat cemaron highland pun subur. kat umah kite pun subur kalau kite biarkan ia dgn naturenya.
tapi kdg2 kaktus kat umah mati sebab kite terlalu membelai.
hmm...betul ni. kalau terlalu dibelai kita juga boleh mati.
BalasPadamat first i was afraid
i was petrified~
p/s: aku tak ada bakat bela kaktus. konfem mati.
nak kesian kaktus ke, kesian aku sekarang?
BalasPadamsemangat? yes yes..itu tujuannya :)
BalasPadamsetuju.x bole dibelai lebih.
serupa macam budak la. dibelai boleh, tapi jangan terlalu lebih. nanti spoil brat jadinya.
BalasPadamaku sian lebih kat ko BDC..
saya juga suka lagu CAKE